Magic eBooks now on sale

Are you a magician looking to add some brand new, highly commercial magic to your repertoire?

Then pay a visit to the MAGIC UNLIMITED ONLINE STORE.

We’ve just added a series of great new eBooks to our collection of instantly downloadable videos.

You can learn some sensational card tricks, how to swallow razorblades, or play improvised MagicSports games!


If you’ve never tried magic before, take a look at the EASY MAGIC selection with tricks and gags that anyone can do, instantly! All taught on high quality video downloads by Tim Ellis – and less than $2 each!!!





ELLIS IN WONDERLAND – $20 (over 70 pages)


“I picked this up the other day, and was going to skim through it. 2 hours later..!

My (condensed) opinion as follows:

Material: Read Tim’s post(!), and you will see there is a selection of material from strolling to stand up.

Difficulty: There is nothing here on par with a centre deal or 4 coin edge grip. The work will be in the practice. Take the razor blade or bill to anywhere routine, not technically demanding, but both would require reasonable rehearsal time to ensure that they are the ‘effortless’ performance pieces that they deserve to be (and to hopefully adapt to your own style etc.).

FASDIU?: Most of the items require set up / prep / a prop, but once that is done, are good to go for several or many performances. There is nothing here that asks you to go out and spend lots of money (phew!).

Real world rating: Should I, as a part timer, pass comment on the work of a very experienced full time pro? Yes! Hey, it’s only my opinion! Luckily, (to me) everything here is aimed at being practical & effective in the performance environment the effect has been designed for.

Extras: The articles are funny, entertaining, and informative. Having just done a very tough strolling gig (much drinking, magician not expected), I was interested in Tim’s thought on approach, and got me thinking about developing a couple of my own ideas.

Value: Sorry, but I have to say ‘excellent’. A rounded product that goes further than ‘just’ routines.

Constructive cons: Well, at a push (what sort of review doesn’t include constructive critique?!), I would have liked to have seen photos rather than drawings, for example in the instruction for the razor routine. The drawings I refer to are sufficient, and there are photos in the e-book. I would have also like to have seen a slightly larger font used, even at the expense of making the document a few pages larger.

Pros: Apart from what I have described already, I also really liked that there are links to videos to see some of Tim’s perfomances. The e-book is easy to follow, engaging, and in a logical format.

Final thoughts: Deckstress is a hugely adaptable idea, the Shakespeare monte has helped inspire me with my own ‘work in progress’ in the hands monte, and….
To sum up, apart from being a good read, this e-book has / will help develop & inspire some of my own routines and thinking. Recommended, and very good value(when’s ‘Living next door to Ellis coming?).




CREDIT CARD FAX – $10 (Instant Download Teaching Video)

“Amazing – and simple – and something which will amaze your audience, remaining with them for a long time. You may have read the description in another thread. Your photo on your credit card finds the selected playing card, and travels to your participant’s credit card – where it reveals the chosen card. Yes, it plays exactly as described.

Credited to have been inspired by an older effect (Yay! Credits!) this is at once simpler and more difficult than one would expect. The actual sleights are simple. But, OH, how wonderful this will appear if you use a little acting skill — PRACTICE and REHEARSE; it’s worth it.
Tim also teaches at least one really useful sleight which can be used frequently, and a useful sleight which isn’t quite as universal. As a matter of fact, I doubt you’ll use it for any other effect. But it’s very, very, very, very, very easy.

There is some preparation required for this, but once you’ve prepared, you’re ready to perform this – over and over – at a moment’s notice.

Tim is an excellent teacher and an excellent performer. I love the one DVD of his and Sue’s (in which Sue really shows off her acting skills) and this decides me that I must get all their DVDs. I would gladly pay for performance-only videos of Tim and/or Sue. (Sue does a marvelous “I Dream of Jeanie” act which is such a natural that I’m stunned no one had thought of it before – and it needs to be on DVD!)

This is ridiculously cheap. Way too cheap. Double the price, at least, Tim!
*jeep!..and God Bless!
–Grandpa Cheet (The Magic Cafe)

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