Magic Festival Founder and Artistic Director Tim Ellis chatted with Jon Faine on The Conversation Hour. Jon was literally stunned by magic Tim performed on air . You can listen to the whole conversation by clicking this link
More blog posts
17 October 2009
The Best Trick in the World
It happened right before my very eyes and luckily my iPhone was there ready to record the event for posterity. How was it done? (more…)
12 November 2012
Tim’s ‘Nightmare on Elm Street’
Last week Tim performed as part of the ‘Tribute to Eighties Blockbusters’ at The Variety Collective. Here are two shots from his Freddy Kruger based routine.
27 November 2015
What does Tim do during ‘Strolling Magic’?
‘Strolling Magic’ is quite a unique form of entertainment. It generates laughter, gasps and frequently screams! But some people find it hard to visualise Tim Ellis mingling among their gu