EVENT: Tim Ellis speaking at Wesley Anne this Saturday

Creative Darebin Networking Events provide the essential, supportive networking occasion for creative thinkers and doers at all stages of their career. Running weekly since 2016, Creative Darebin Networking is hosted by a qualified careers counsellor with an extensive creative background and features regular Special Guests from all creative disciplines, sessions exploring Creative Career Questions and Resources, and supportive sharing of hopes, projects, tips and inspirations!!

This week their special guest speaker is Tim Ellis. Founder and Director of The Melbourne Magic Festival Tim will share his career and ethos over great Coffee and Food in the Wesley Anne Band Room, High Street, Northcote on Saturday 10 August from 12:30pm

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REVIEWS: iDrop is #1

Over the last two months iDrop has received rave reviews. It’s been the #1 trick at PropDog (UK) since its release and a hot contender for ‘Trick of the Year’! After so much work

Warmth & Encouragement

Tim created some customised, interacted magic videos for the Mothers Of Preschoolers Australian Conference last week, and the response was incredible. I loved this session! He is such a great