The Twelve Most Outrageous Magic Tricks Of Modern Time

Throughout the ages Magicians have been trying to top each other with more and more outrageous tricks. When the now classic Sawing in Half was premiered, people literally fainted from shock at how graphic it was. When Houdini performed his escapes wearing nothing but a bathing suit, he was really pushing the boundaries of taste of the day.

Now, it’s harder than ever to shock, but some of these magicians not only defy reality and logic, but frequently defy good judgement as well!

Here is my selection of the top twelve most outrageous tricks of modern time.

Did I miss any? Drop me a note and let me know!

Let’s begin



Number 12 – Derren’s Zombie (2005)

In one of the his (first) controversial pieces, Derren managed to convince a video game player that he was actually trapped inside the game he was playing. Many commentators found the whole stunt extremely disturbing, while others simply said it “had to be” a stooge. Watch this amazing clip and imagine yourself in this terrifying situation.

In 2012 he took the entire concept to a whole new level with his TV special ‘Apocalypse’, which generated the same reactions but on a much, much larger scale!



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Catch Tim Ellis performing some seriously disturbing Halloween Magic this Monday night at the LOCAL LAUGHS comedy club. Tickets at the door – $15/$12 – 7.30pm doors open for an 8.30pm star